Incorporate Email & SMS Campaign technology using API

Design and address your email & SMS campaigns using your own tools by incorporating Campaign using API.

Are you looking for a technical solution to send marketing and transactional campaigns via Email & SMS channels? A high‑performance technology which can be integrated and controlled from your own interface (CRM, e-commerce platform, business solution, etc.)? The Campaign by Dolist API, designed by our developers and for developers, is at your disposal.

Whether your company is large or small, the reliability of the technology Campaign by Dolist allows you to remotely manage the sending of all email and SMS messages, while ensuring performance in terms of deliverability and volume.

Rapidly test, integrate and monitor the Campaign API

  • An open-access API documentation to quickly test, configure and integrate into your tools.
  • For each API method, code examples in multiple languages (Shell, Go, Java, Javascript, Node; Obj-C, php, Python, PowerShell, Ruby, Swift, C#, C, etc.).
  • Standardised responses based on the OpenAPI standard to track the status of each request (success, error, etc.).


Des exemples de codes API Campaign dans de multiples langages


Activate your marketing and transactional sendings using API

Déclenchez à distance vos envois emails et sms par API
Connectez-vous de façon sécurisé aux API Campaign

Activate all your messages remotely, by E-mail and/or SMS.

Separate processing of service messages to ensure deliverability and security : account alerts, abandoned cart notifications, event notifications, order confirmations, password management…

An API architecture in micro-services to wire the desired functionality :

  • Creation of personalised e-mails and SMS messages
  • Message analysis (spamwords, technical quality, errors…)
  • Email rendering
  • Transactional & Marketing sendings
  • Planning of sendings
  • Statistics : campaign statistics (openings, clicks, results, errors, etc.) and per contact in real time, deliverability and GQI (Global Quality Index)
  • Management of contacts, subscriptions and consents / opt-in (in accordance with the GDPR)
  • API-based management of registration and profile forms
  • Contact preference centre for autonomous management of their subscriptions
  • Segmentation and targeting of contacts
  • Automated import/export
  • Authorisations & access rights to teams (API / 2FA keys)


Optimise the deliverability of your e-mails & protect your technical reputation

  • The Campaign API benefits from Dolist’s 20 years of deliverability expertise and Dolist’s OPERA (Optimum Predictive Email Reputation Activity) technology
  • Feedback loops and partnerships with ISPs / MSPs
  • Regulation of message sending flows according to ISPs and their specificities
  • Real-time monitoring of reputation, domain/IP blacklisting and incident alerts
  • Dedicated IP address(es) and automated warm-up plan
  • Separate IPs for transactional and marketing flows
  • Domain authentication (SPF / DKIM / DMARC)
  • Automatic standardisation of the domain name in messages
  • Real-time processing of unsubscribes and spam complaints
  • Customised MTA server with 99.98% availability
  • Collaboration with international deliverability specialists such as the M3AAWG
OPERA technology


Automated and secure data flow exchanges

Data synchronisation with a multi-table Database
  • Synchronisation open to all your omnichannel data and which can be used to activate your marketing sendings
  • Your tool remains the master database which controls the information forwarded to the Campaign by Dolist database
  • Data flow exchanges of your choice : file exchange, FTPS, API, Webhooks, Zapier, connectors…
  • API connection subject to secure authentication (unique account number, authorised IP addresses and API keys which can be limited within the timeframe)
  • Contact database fields automatically enriched with data collected in Campaign by Dolist


Do you need to accelerate the technical deployment of your Email / SMS project using API?

Data management and quality, technological choice, technical optimisation, integration support, development assistance, deliverability advice… Our teams are available to help you set up the API and data flow between your information system and Campaign by Dolist

Délivrabilité email

A dedicated technical project manager to help you define your synchronisation strategy

Scénarios marketing

Assistance in your integration project : design, monitoring, validation of technical and functional specifications

Collecter et gérer les contacts

Support for the development teams and guidance in optimising the synchronisation process

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